Michael Hampton

Client ... NikeUnited | Latino & Friends (LAFN) Network

Project ... LAFN 2022 “Fuerza en Familia”

Creative Director
Project Manager
Copywriter, Sound & Script Supervisor
Camera Operator
Production Assistant & Gaffer

David Norman
Britnee Spelce-Will
Michael Hampton
Jared Leaf
Robert Martinez
Joesph Matos
Cheng Lee


Strength, passion, and inspiration come in many forms. For us? Our greatest strength lies in those we love. A love not defined by limits. But by our will to build upon the legacy of those before us, for those that walk the path after us. A massive force that fuels us to stand, dream, and move forward, arm in arm. Familia gives us the strength to remain resilient, to use our passion to lift up one another, and to turn hopes and dreams into reality.

Here at Nike, we are like a family. We come from different places and have different journeys. These not only bring us together, but strengthen our community to forge a brighter and more inclusive future. Futuro Latino is constant growth, a never-ending evolution. Every day is a new day to turn challenges into opportunity. Family is our greatest strength, and we always welcome friends with open arms. Because when one of us wins, we all win. Strength in Family – Fuerza en Familia.